Hi! I'm Kathy. I have an interest in health and wellness that traces back to my childhood. Having a sibling with congenital heart disease made me acutely aware of my health at an early age. My mother was ahead of her time, shunning the convenience foods that were cropping up in the 1950s in favor of fresh fruits and vegetables. Becoming a competitive swimmer at a young age taught me how good it felt to be physically fit.
Integrative Health Coaching, rooted in the neuroscience of behavior change, is the missing link in realizing our individual visions of ideal health.
With this background, I felt drawn at various times to the fields of nutrition, physical education, social work and psychology.
But others had their own ideas about what I could and should do with my life. Instead of listening to my heart, I followed their agendas and began my working life as a Wall Street securities lawyer. My lifestyle became anything but healthy: I smoked, ate out regularly, rarely exercised and slept far too little. Although my work was stimulating, the stress was unrelenting, and by age 30, I was burned out.
When I met the man who would become my husband, I found the motivation I needed to lead a healthier life. I could see his concern about my smoking, and I knew my unhealthy habits could jeopardize our dreams for a family. With his encouragement and support, I left my job and went about the hard work of changing my habits, one by one.
Raising three children kept health top of mind for me. When they left home to start their careers, marry and raise their own families, it was time for me to attend to unfinished business. Learning about the Professional Health Coach training program at Duke, I knew I had found what I was looking for. I returned to my alma mater after 45 years.
At Duke I became convinced that Integrative Health Coaching, rooted in the neuroscience of behavior change, is the missing link in realizing our individual visions of ideal health.
For me, health has been the journey of a lifetime. I find joy and deep satisfaction in learning more every day and using what I learn to help others. As a certified Integrative Health Coach through Duke Integrative Medicine and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach with additional training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, I would be honored to guide you on your own health journey.